mknepprath’s avatarmknepprath’s Twitter Archive—№ 18,536

      1. CHECK OUT MY NEW BOT!!! Tag it in a #TwitterCanoe🛶 and it will pick a winner. tip_canoe/917883474706599936
    1. …in reply to @mknepprath
      1/ ...Learned a few things about the Twitter API while working on this:
  1. …in reply to @mknepprath
    2/ Twitter added an "auto_populate_reply_metadata" parameter. Helps get around the 140 char limit when there are a lot of folks in a thread
    1. …in reply to @mknepprath
      3/ Twitter truncates all tweets it returns unless you include the param "tweet_mode: 'extended'". Full text is then returned as "full_text"
      1. …in reply to @mknepprath
        4/ Hashtags are conveniently returned as a separate object, but (weirdly) aren't included in that object if the returned tweet is truncated