mknepprath’s avatarmknepprath’s Twitter Archive—№ 22,406

      1. Facebook makes a ton of sense when you realize their big gamble was that people would stop caring about privacy long before they realized how much Facebook was recklessly gathering and sharing.
    1. …in reply to @mknepprath
      The fact that updates like these weren't popular wasn't a mistake - they were a part of a years-long campaign to change the culture around privacy. From 2011:
  1. …in reply to @mknepprath
    Facebook's first product being the physical manifestation of people's main fear about Facebook, that they're constantly listening to you to serve ads (, can only make sense through this lens.
    1. …in reply to @mknepprath
      Obligatory DF link: gruber not signing up may end up being his most prescient decision ever.