mknepprath’s avatarmknepprath’s Twitter Archive

29,653 tweets

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⬅️ New ⬆️ 🙂
⬇️ 🙁
  1. My 2022 in film! My top favorites will come as no surprise to anyone, but I think you’ll find some new and interesting films in here as well
  2. All my friends are on Mastodon
  3. Published this today so I technically didn't write a single blog post in 2022. Ope! My 2022 in Review:
  4. I’m going to start a support group for people who are addicted to making new tabs
  5. 🤡
  6. When Frost wrote of the road not taken, he was talking about whether or not you should use GPT-3-generated autocompletes
  7. In honor of Jeanne Dielman topping Sight and Sound's Best Picture poll, I present cirrelevantpod's discussion from back in 2018 about the movie with benlundsten, NerdAtWar and Dane Christenson. mknepprath/1599098237410893825/video/1
  8. If you’re not careful, “responsive design” can turn into “I’ll just keep adding breakpoints until it works”
  9. not doing Hive sorry
  10. 🚨 For anyone using the GitHub Action I mentioned here: There was a recent breaking change with an easy fix! Update ahmadnassri/action-dependabot-auto-merge@v2 to v2.6.2 in your auto-merge.yml file. Like so: That's it!


  1. The idea made me laugh out loud, so I had to make it sorry
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. I put black mirror music on the primo commercial
  3. instead of looking up the release year for each these movies, why not just have GitHub Copilot do it? 😳 mknepprath/1476580827328876547/video/1
  4. "You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” - Maya Angelou
  5. …in reply to @fmanjoo
    fmanjoo I don't think we're ever going to hear the end of how much of an inconvenience this job is for him
  6. 🙍🏼‍♂️
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API

I’ve retweeted other tweets 2,903 times (9.8%)

Most Retweeted

  1. mashable 138 retweets
  2. brian_lovin 45 retweets
  3. designdetailsfm 44 retweets
  4. uberbryn 43 retweets
  5. benlundsten 39 retweets
  6. FastCompany 37 retweets
  7. MichaelHyatt 35 retweets
  8. brainpicker 35 retweets
  9. robot_mk 30 retweets
  10. cirrelevantpod 27 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. robot_mk 6 retweets
  2. tardycritic 4 retweets
  3. TheZoneOfTruth 3 retweets
  4. localghost 3 retweets
  5. letterboxd 2 retweets
  6. newonbotwiki 1 retweet
  7. MuseZack 1 retweet
  8. Johnny2Cellos 1 retweet
  9. rafahari 1 retweet
  10. robtrench 1 retweet

Replies and Mentions

67.8% of my tweets are replies (×20,104)

Most Replies To

  1. DevinRubink 1039 replies
  2. benlundsten 663 replies
  3. MikeIsaac 555 replies
  4. FamiliarLilt 509 replies
  5. zcichy 451 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. letterboxd 70 replies
  2. robot_mk 55 replies
  3. MikeIsaac 24 replies
  4. notdetails 24 replies
  5. brian_lovin 23 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 1,447 times (4.9%)

57.2% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (3,040 of 5,312)

99.5% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (401 of 403)

Top Domains

  1. 1874 tweets
  2. 699 tweets
  3. 223 tweets
  4. 198 tweets
  5. 131 tweets
  6. 100 tweets
  7. 86 tweets
  8. 80 tweets
  9. 75 tweets
  10. 61 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 1865 tweets
  2. 699 tweets
  3. 223 tweets
  4. 198 tweets
  5. 106 tweets
  6. 86 tweets
  7. 83 tweets
  8. 80 tweets
  9. 75 tweets
  10. 61 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 1,410 retweets and ❤️ 26,722 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 🟩 used 507 times on 57 tweets
  2. ⬛ used 426 times on 56 tweets
  3. 😭 used 197 times on 63 tweets
  4. 👍 used 191 times on 129 tweets
  5. 👏 used 147 times on 63 tweets

484 unique emoji on 2,947 tweets (11.0% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. throw used 91 times
  2. swing used 72 times on 67 tweets
  3. owenashknepprath used 54 times
  4. periscope: used 53 times
  5. punch used 44 times on 42 tweets

903 hashtags on 892 tweets (3.3% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. h_ll used 6 times
  2. h_ used 5 times
  3. d_mn used 3 times
  4. f_rting used 2 times
  5. p_ssed used 2 times

24 swear words on 24 tweets (0.1% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets